Monday, August 31, 2009
Tampa Bay Rays pitcher in action

Sunday, August 30, 2009
MONOCHROME: Why did the sea gull miss the taxi?

The gull probably missed the Tampa River Taxi because he was eyeing some fresh fish swimming by and wasn't even at the right dock. Bird-brain. Maybe he thought the boat was filled with anglers and by just standing tall and looking good they'd toss him a bite, slow and let him hop aboard. Whatever his excuse, he's reduced to watching them leisurely cruise by and head up the Hillsborough River. It's more likely he imagined it was the African Queen motoring by and he'd already seen the movie and wanted no part of the squabbling that lay ahead. (He might have been eaten in the exchange...or fed into the engine for fuel!)
Visit the world of incredible photographic artistry recorded in black, white and grays at Monochrome Maniacs!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
No Points for Second Place

Crew Art,
Crew Rowing Teams,
hillsborough river,
Kiley Gardens
Friday, August 28, 2009
Skywatch Friday: Season 4, Episode 7

Visit Skywatch Friday to see the beauty and wonders of the world's most magnificent skies. It's always an amazing show.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Law and a Box Truck: Tampa's Second Empire Architecture

It seems like an odd way to recognize and celebrate the architectural jewel that serves as one's offices, but I guess some in the legal profession need more then just reputation and referrals. And if the box truck doesn't work, they could always buy a 16-wheeled semi and emblazon it with the house and Second Empire furniture. Yep, that's probably the next tactical step in the marketing plan. I took a photo of the house itself so you can compare the two. The house must have been a real eye-stopper in it heyday. If you like the period mansard roof, then the design is spectacular. (Yes, the version of the house on the side of the truck does has every light on and the landscaping is a bit better.)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Your Empty Bench Awaits

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Railroad bridge or work of great modern art?

The Cass Street Bridge, 500 feet in length and built in 1926 at a cost of $400,000, was added as a river crossing to relieve some traffic on the Lafayette, later named, Kennedy Street Bridge. It connected Tampa’s main downtown with West Tampa. It is closed for 8-months for structural repairs and should reopen in October. (After state inspection it was found to be “structurally deficient.”) The railroad bridge, which is shown in the open position, sits beside the Cass Street Bridge; it was constructed in 1915. The bridge allowed railcars to travel south from Tampa’s downtown area, across the Hillsborough River, to Port Tampa. The street and bridge were named for General Lewis Cass. As interesting as a railroad bridge may be, the man who the street was named for is far more interesting if you love history. Until I took this shot I had no idea who Cass was. Born in 1782, during our struggle for independence from England, Cass served as a military officer, governor of the Michigan territory, United States Senator representing the state of Michigan, Secretary of War under President Andrew Jackson, and Ambassador to France. My guess is the street was named for him because of his post as secretary of war and the Indian Removal policy that was a major issue at that time. He ran for president on the Democrat party ticket in 1848, but lost the election to Zachary Taylor. From 1857 until 1860, when Abraham Lincoln won the presidency, he served as Secretary of State under President James Buchanan. He died in 1866.
The bridge, named for such an accomplished politician and statesman, has acquired a brilliant, unusual and un-statesmanlike patina. I think much of the color and decoration has been added over the years by our illustrious university and college crew teams who row up and down this stretch of the river in their skulls. I featured the Laurel Street Bridge on June 23 that showcased some of their wild and extremely colorful and creative crew art. The Laurel Street and Cass Street Bridges, and this railroad bridge, are all listed as Historic Bridges of the United States.
This bridge is called the ACL Bridge because it was built to carry the trains of the Atlantic Coastline Railroad. For bridge engineering fans out there, it is a “truss bascule” design; as we less educated should know, that refers to the large, weighted portion raised up on the right side (that looks to be a very large canvas and amazing work of modern art.) These giant weights act as a counterweight to the bridge span and continuously balance it as it is raised to allow boats to go through. (Bascule is French for seesaw and balance.) According to the bridge design sites, this is the most common type of movable bridge. The Laurel Street Bridge, just up the river from Cass Street, is also a bascule design.
If any of you are movie fans, and are real good at your trivia, the 2004 movie “The Punisher” was filmed in Tampa. It starred John Travolta, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Roy Scheider and Thomas Jane as the Punisher. Part of the car chase scenes were filmed on the Cass Street Bridge.
As construction of the new Tampa Museum of Art nears completion, it’s fitting that a modern masterpiece – the sides of the counterweights for the bridge - might be within a few yards of the blank exhibit walls of the new museum. I wonder if they have contemplated featuring them in a show. It could be quite a blockbuster. (Or at least it would certainly be talked about.)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tampa' Downtown from the banks of the Hillsborough River

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Monochrome Weekly: Shrouded in Moss

A canopy of ancient oaks entangled with moss silently shroud the crumbling walls and stones of Oaklawn Cemetery, Tampa's oldest burial ground.
Visit the world and incredible photographic artistry recorded in black, white and grays at Monochrome Maniacs!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Homes of Tampa's Hyde Park: Leiman House in the Prairie School Style of Architecture

It's tough to decide, but I think this is my favorite of all of the homes. The Henry Leiman House - many of the homes retain the names of either their first owners or the name that is most closely associated with ownership - is an outstanding example of the Prairie School style of architecture made famous by Frank Lloyd Wright. The home was built in 1916 and was designed by architect M. Leo Elliott. Located at 716 South Newport Avenue, at the corner with West Inman Avenue, it is an imposing structure incorporating all of the elements most closely associated with the Prairie School. Wright's style was said to be a " horizontal extension of the prairie, an integration of building and site, with cantilevered eaves and

Mr. Leiman, who entertained often in the home, was the owner of Tampa Cigar Box Company, a necessary and very lucrative enterprise when Tampa's factories were making tens of millions of cigars each year and shipping them in boxes throughout the world. He cultivated and used trees from his own acreage in Ybor City and on the Hillsborough River to manufacture the boxes. The house shows just how well Mr. Leiman could afford to live. The house is two stories, stucco over frame construction, with almost 6,000 square feet of space. Walls cover and enclose the raised front terrace patio. The closeup above left shows the main entrance into the terrace and a trompe l'oeil mural on the wall. (Note the fountain and the dog peeking out at guests who enter.)
Over the next several days I will post more homes here and at Tampa Florida Photo. (I hope the skies will cooperate and go back to their typical blinding clear blue.) My next post at TFP will feature the Morrison House, built in 1879, the oldest house in Hyde Park.
Go to Tampa Florida Photo HERE to see the oldest home in Hyde Park, the Morrison Home.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Skywatch Friday #58

Nope, the rain never came. Looking at these dark and ominous clouds, it seemed like a sure bet that we were in for a real heavy downpour.
The scene is of Old Water Street in Tampa's downtown. When Tampa was first laid out and platted by John Jackson in 1847, this street was named Water Street. It was the southernmost street in small town Tampa and ran along the water, today’s Garrison Channel. Over the years, from our city’s earliest days, as Tampa grew from a small military outpost, Fort Brooke, to the present day, many different businesses have occupied this land. Because of its location, cargo shipping terminals, grain processing plants, warehouses and docks crowded up against the waterfront for most of those years. By the 1990s, it sat pretty much vacant and forgotten, rusting buildings and decaying docks the only reminder that thriving businesses once operated here. Just across from Water Street was the fast developing and now successful Harbour Island, itself once empty and weed-filled, strewn with falling-down warehouses and grain elevators. But not anymore. What a great place to live, whether it’s in an apartment, condominium or one of the gated sections of beautiful luxury homes, all surrounded by water and sitting just across the bridges within walking distance of downtown's businesses, museums and entertainment.
To the immediate right in this photo, between the street and the water, lies Contanchobe-Fort Brooke Park, a part of the City of Tampa Parks and Recreation Department. Contanchobe, the name given this area by the natives who inhabited this part of Florida for thousands of years, means "where the water meets the land.” Today, this area is known as Channelside. Where there was once a waterfront that was all but ignored can now be found a rapidly expanding urban center of life and activity. Down the left side of the street run the TECO Line electric streetcars connecting this point with Ybor City. On the left in the photo, shrouded by the menacing storm clouds is the home of the aptly name Tampa Bay Lightning. The building, originally named the Ice Palace when it opened in 1996, sits between Channelside Drive, which it faces, and Old Water Street. The street was renamed Ice Palace Drive by the city in ’96 and then, as part of a marketing agreement in 2002 with the St. Petersburg Times, which acquired the naming rights to the Ice Palace, it was again renamed and became the St. Pete Times Forum Drive. (That’s an exhausting and almost comical story about city street naming, isn’t it. And this story is about just one street in Tampa…and a very short one at that, just a quarter mile long.) To be fair and give you a more complete picture, the St. Pete Times Forum is a very successful venue. Along with the Lightning hockey team which calls the Forum home, and 2004 Stanley Cup Championship, other entertainment events held in the Forum include music concerts, NBA exhibition games, University of South Florida basketball and NCAA Tournament games, tennis, professional wrestling, boxing, figure skating, circuses and rodeos.
Looking east, straight ahead in the photo, is the new Tampa Bay History Center, which opened in January of this year. Because of the street’s history and the significance of the opening of the museum, the street was renamed – I’m sure for the very last time – Old Water Street. So, we’re all the way back to 1847. And the looming storm clouds in the sky that probably don’t look any different than they did when Native-American tribes, the Seminoles and the Miccosukee, lived, hunted and fished from this spot for hundreds of years and soldiers of the C.S.A., Confederate defenders, kept watch in the 1860s for approaching U.S. Naval ships and Union troops during the Civil War. Same pounding rain and sticky hot weather. Except on this day, it didn’t rain a drop. Not even a drizzle.
Visit Skywatch Friday to see the beauty and wonders of the world's most magnificent skies. It's always an amazing show.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What does the monkey say to the frog?

If you've followed my Tampa blogs, read my posts and seen some of my photos of the city, you've noticed that I am a great fan of our marvelous Tampa Bay Hotel. I have featured shots of the incredible Moorish-style minarets that sit atop the building silhouetted against a Tampa sunset. And closeups of them in black and white. The photographic possibilities of the outside of the huge building are endless. From Victorian filigree to massive, leaded-glass doors, an entire class in photographing architectural and historic subjects could be based here. I especially like some of the ceramic garden stools, the ones that are as fun and elaborate of these two creatures. They were placed all throughout the grounds and I understand they provided a place for proper ladies of the Victorian era to stop and rest as they wandered the garden paths.
The hotel was built and furnished for roughly $3 million dollars in 1891, and ceased operating as a hotel altogether in 1932. But in the intervening years it has come to have a life that the first owner could never have imagined. Today, it is restored and expertly maintained and operates as both a museum and as part of the University of Tampa. The Henry B. Plant Museum, named for the man who had the vision, and the wealth from his railroad empire, to build the lavish resort hotel, first opened as the Tampa Municipal Museum in 1933. Today, the original hotel building, a quarter mile long and sitting on just a part of the hotel's original 150 acres of tropical landscaping, is a U.S. National Historic Landmark. The museum, which became the Henry B. Plant Museum in 1974, is accredited by the American Association of Museums.
When it opened over a century ago, the hotel and grounds included 21 buildings incorporating a golf course, bowling alley, casino and an indoor heated swimming pool. Photographs of the casino show a large, Oriental-style building right on the riverfront. Sadly, it is long gone. There were even tennis courts. During its operating period, the hotel housed hundreds of well known celebrities. When the Spanish American War broke out with Spain, the United States Army used the hotel as its headquarters. Colonel Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, now so closely associated with Tampa's history, had a suite of rooms and trained his men on the hotel property. (Soldiers preparing to embark for Cuba lived in tents nearby and were transported by train to Port Tampa where they boarded ships. The history of the city and the hotel during the war is extremely interesting and is well documented. Writers and newspapermen of the day came from all over the country an

Click HERE to visit the Henry B. Plant Museum website.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Watery Wednesday

Click HERE to see other wet and Watery Wednesday images from around the world.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Itch your Porsche 356

Monday, August 17, 2009
An Old Computer with Divine Life

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Monochrome Weekly: Wall of Flames
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Chocolate and Blueberries: Perfect breakfast combination.

This was the scene in the morning at Indigo Coffee in Hyde Park Village. I'd had a coffee earlier so the cup is hot chocolate with thick whipped cream. It is scrumptious and as chocolate as I can take. The muffin is filled with fresh blueberries and drizzled with a sugary coating. (I'm sure it's very healthy.) If you wonder if there was a choco/sugar high after this relaxing time in the Village, that would be a resounding, yes! Although it's humid, it's a pretty day without a storm cloud in sight. The perfect, lazy Saturday to sit for a while by the fountain (which is still without water because of our shortage and use restrictions) and watch a great variety of people strolling, biking and simply enjoying the setting. My favorite thing though, is watching the young 90-lb. moms navigate their huge, 6,000-lb. SUVs into tight parking spaces, and load and unload little ones without once stopping their cell phone conversations. They practically need a step ladder to just unbuckle junior from his car seat. It's a hoot.
I posted a photo of the new mansion being built by New York Yankees ballplayer Derek Jeter a couple of day ago HERE. If any of you want to see a shot I got from across the bay of the home under construction on Davis islands, I've included it here. Click and enlarge it to get a better sense of its size. I'm guessing that the homes on either side are in the range of 5-7,000 square feet. His 31,000 square feet makes theirs look like guest cottages.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Skywatch Friday #57

Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Bachelors Pad Fit for a King: Derek Jeter’s New Mansion on Davis Islands

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Minnows & Monsters UNITE!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Menacing Sky Meets Dancing Shadows

Sunday, August 09, 2009
Monochrome Weekly
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Minarets of the Tampa Bay Hotel

The Henry B. Plant Museum is located within Plant's original Tampa Bay Hotel, now a part of the University of Tampa. Quoting the museum's website, "If you’re railroad magnate Henry Bradley Plant, in the midst of the sand swamps that would be Tampa, you construct the most astonishingly magnificent hotel of its day, then fill it with treasures from around the world. With its splendid Moorish architecture, opulent furnishings, and spectacular tropical gardens, Plant’s Tampa Bay Hotel attracted a host of celebrated guests, from Teddy Roosevelt to Sarah Bernhardt to Babe Ruth. A visit to the Henry B. Plant Museum and the authentically restored rooms of the Tampa Bay Hotel will transport you back to a time of indulgent ten-course meals, waltzing on the veranda and alligator hunting by moonlight.…" And they enjoyed magnificent sunsets as well.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Skywatch Friday #56
Wispy clouds reflect the last burst of sunlight as the sailboats at anchor cast long evening shadows across the water's glassy surface.

davis islands,
Seaplane Basin,
Thursday, August 06, 2009
The Colonnade has served boatloads of fish and shrimp

Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Casitas in the NIGHT

Quoting from the Ybor City Museum website, “This house had many design features particularly suited to conditions in Florida. Until 1910 these and similar houses lacked city sewer hook-up or indoor plumbing, and many were without electricity until the early 1920s. Casitas rented for $1.50 to $2.50 a week or could be purchased from $400 to $900, depending on size. By allowing workers to deduct house payments from their wages, Vicente Ybor and other cigar manufacturers contributed to the stability and security of the work force in Ybor City, and eased the hardships of immigration ...” Visit the museum website HERE for more of this fascinating story.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Want a little Cyber with that Cigar?

Monday, August 03, 2009
The Islands of Indonesia come alive at Bali Bay Trading

Sunday, August 02, 2009
Monochrome: Windsurfing is so not easy

Saturday, August 01, 2009
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