Sunday, May 31, 2009
Ybor City Wall Art: Cigar Rollers and a Mercedes CLS Coupe
handrolled cigars,
ybor city
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Hot Dogs in Paradise: A Florida Sunshine Treat

Well, there you have it. Entrepreneur to the rescue of all those starving passengers and drivers. I admit to you that I deliberately chose to shoot the back of the trailer. I just liked the way it's framed by the Mediterranean-style of the center, luscious plantings and tall palm trees. Oh, and Florida's gorgeous blue sky and clouds. From this vantage point the faux roof is very exposed, the employees' lounge is visible and the itsy-bitsy air conditioner, cut smack into the wall of the trailer, is a highlight of the whole thing. Do note the red and white striped awning is directly in front and the left side has a lovely and colorful curved awning. (You do know that with the AC running 24/7 the hot dogs would not need any artificial heat or steam to cook for the hungry diners. It'd be 120 degrees inside on most any day, especially as the trailer is sitting on an unused asphalt parking lot. My apologies for not showing the fine architecture and planning that went into the Marion Transit Center. It is nice.
This trailer is just too inviting. Catch the menu. (Oh, go ahead, click on the pic and get in close. HOT DOGS. COLD DRINKS. CORN DOGS. FRENCH FRIES. And the menu probably offers tons of ice with gallons of cold drinks. Step right up. Come one. Come all. Get your steaming Hot Dogs here. In paradise.
downtown tampa,
food cart,
food trailer,
Hot Dogs,
Marion Transit Center
Friday, May 29, 2009
Skywatch Friday

Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Little Lighthouse that wishes it could

harbour island,
seddon channel,
Sparkman Channel,
Tampa Ship
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tampa Fire Rescue keeps its fireboat at the ready
Built by MetalCraft Marine of Kingston, Ontario, Canada and Clayton, NY, the current boat will be joined in June by her planned replacement. (I won't let on in case she's jealous.)Along with greatly increased water pumping capacity, the new boat, the Firestorm 69, will be fast. Measuring 70 feet, the boat will reach 35 knots and be powered by 825-hp diesel engines. (This one has huge outboards.) Cost? Close to $2,000,000. (The replacement is long overdue and if it saves one life it's worth every penny.)
MetalCraft Marine builds a variety of specialized craft including high speed patrol boats, fire boats, rescue boats, and work boats. The new FireStorm 69 will be the fastest fireboat in the world and will pump 10,000 GPM (gallons per minute.) Its increased capabilities in our many different kinds of water, including the river, bays, channels and port, should make everyone - commercial ships, cruise ships and locals alike - feel much better protected. Tampa's new vessel will be delivered next month. I will keep my eye out for her arrival and compare the two vessels, realizing that aside from being able to find our fireboat at dock, I'm totally unqualified and uninitiated in fireboat technology. I'll simply leave it to my camera to do the detail work and comparison.
I don't know what will eventually happen with this sweet boat. In the condition she appears to be in, and knowing that Tampa Fire Rescue maintains her, I imagine she'll live a very long, long life - perhaps retired to do some sleepy fishing in Costa Rica or in the Florida keys. (Only kidding.)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Here's a lady of the law to be obeyed - she's watching you.
Monday, May 25, 2009
LIVE: Our Nation Shows Its Pride And Respect on Memorial Day
I am immensely and forever proud that three of my family members are buried in Section One of Arlington National Cemetery. My father, grandmother and my namesake, my grandfather, are buried beside one another and surrounded by thousands whose lives we remember and cherish. We celebrate their selfless service and sacrifice on this day.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
It's Not High-Speed Rail but It's OUR Union Station
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Fishing in Paradise (If You're A Fish): A Sunshine State of Mind

Friday, May 22, 2009
Antique Fans (and Clocks, too): A visit with Mr. Stan Good

Mr. Good welcomed me into his shop today and his manner and warm personality are quite infectious. Within moments it's clear he doesn't just repair clocks or fans, nor is that what's contained in his heart and soul. He's a man consumed with life, the music he enjoys creating, the lyrics that are his true love (plus his lovely wife Dominique who is his partner and fellow traveler on this journey.) At 63 years old, Mr. Good has the talent of a cartoonist, which he practiced for many years, and a musical lyricist (which may finally cause him to uproot and leave Tampa after almost four decades) and move it all to Branson, Missouri. But today, with this total stranger at his heels he took me on a whirlwind tour of his fan museum. The two story building beside the smaller shop is filled with fans from the simplest to the most complicated in design and mechanical operation. Remarkable. Mr. Good talks of Edison, Tesla and early invention. The fan evolved at the hands of brilliant engineers and brought cooling to homes, businesses and even funeral homes. One model that caught my eye featured a small shaded lamp sitting at each side of the shrouded blades covered by movable louvers. This particular fan was popular in funeral homes, its intricate design, illumination and ability to move the otherwise stale air about was just the accessory to stand beside the coffins. I was thoroughly intrigued. Another fan was driven by water and worked very well Mr. Good assured me. But it used far too many gallons of water for its own good and was replaced by that scary electricity.
The museum was overflowing with fans, neatly shelved, categorized and properly signed with each fan's age, manufacturer and features. Until one listens to their history, you would never imagine how important were the developments and sharing with other inventions we also take for granted in our lives.
One fan was a total mystery until I was told it sat on a dining table and its wide, light fabric-covered arms would spin quietly to keep flies away from the table and meal. It seemed as I followed my host around that the fan itself (in all its many styles and varieties of engineering over a hundred-plus years) was far more important than most anyone today could imagine. Stan Good's collection of nearly 1,500 fans is one of the largest in the world and his museum provides the opportunity to follow our history of need met by genius that led to manufacturer and relief from the heat. It's a story you do not expect and I can't imagine anyone telling it better. Yes, he repairs clocks and sells them too. And obviously his world is one big fan. But his musical talent pulls him, sustains him and may even move him away. If the right buyers come along, the money comes together and the real estate market begins to show life, this entire place may vanish like Brigadoon, only to come alive again in another time and place. Simply magical. But it can't ever be better than this, right here and now, with Mr. Good leading you through the details of each motor, blade and stand. For a low annual fee one can enjoy the collection for an entire year. Even if you accepted the challenge, no one will match Stan Good and his near lifetime knowledge and obsession with fans.
A clock repair man he's called, but given any amount of your time Stan Good will prove to you to be much, much more. If you find a man one day, sitting in Missouri, sketching a cartoon while humming a catchy song lyric, look for the most elaborate fan you can imagine. That'll be Stan Good. Say hi. Ask him how fans came about. Sit and give him a long while to begin to tell the story. Visit www.tampafloridaphoto.blogspot.com for more photos of Mr. Good, his shop and collection.
antique clocks,
antique fans,
electric fans,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Our own Venetian canals, flooding and gray skies
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Every hair in place and ready to party down

As to who and why? Some people wear wigs because they are bald, men and women, and they want to look better. Of course actors often wear a wig on stage, screen or television to enhance a role they are playing. So, who’s buying these wigs in the window? For an occasion or every day wear? Well, a wide variety of men and women, even some children, for different reasons.Vanity. Medical conditions. Lots of good reasons why I’m sure. But in staring into this window, at this scene, I looked right past the wigs and stared into the lovely eyes of the wearers. The disembodied heads sporting life-like strands. Blond. Black. Even a touch of gray. Long. Short. Curled. Straight. Cute gals, attractive, made up to party and impress. Notice the eyes. The makeup. Killer looks. Beads and necklaces thrown about the neck and earrings to die for. Gorgeous women bedecked with a powerful head of hair. As the light fades, and the music cranks up, better stand back, ladies and gentlemen, because this gang, with ever proud hair on their head in place, is ready to party down. Will they ever return to their window?
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Huge Hungry BLUE NOTES Escape Tampa Building

Terry Klaaren, the artist (KlaarenArt.com) is extremely talented and has paintings and murals in several locations in the Tampa Bay area (including 80 Hillsborough and Pasco county schools) as well as in Texas and Utah. He has a studio in Tampa but has completed several "plein air" paintings while traveling throughout the United States and Europe. Currently he is exhibiting at Tampa’s Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) Arc Gallery. His outdoor murals are simply fascinating and so well conceived and executed. Klaaren’s murals are in private collections and numerous companies and public institutions… including an unsuspecting three-story building in Tampa’s downtown, just blocks from the new Tampa Museum of Art, which is under construction. Like ants that march through any opening, the ravenous Blue Notes might be making their way right now to the new museum’s riverfront site and burrowing into the foundation. Can’t anyone stop them?
What is the world of visual and performing arts coming to? Sweet, dear, harmonious notes of music gone mad. And very blue.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Ask for RAIN and the skies open up.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Old Clocks and Electric Fans fight the good fight
Saturday, May 16, 2009
"Kaleidoscope: A Heritage of Color" and hard charging basketball

Friday, May 15, 2009
Dolphin takes flight guided by slumbering water nymph.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Trompe l'œil it isn't but the eye still loves to be fooled

palm trees,
Trompe l'œil,
wall painting
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Just another average Florida sky, but no rain. Again.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wash House with a decided Italian flavor

Monday, May 11, 2009
This ship's captain demands your attention

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mom shines extra bright in stainless steel

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Biglow stands proudly on the Boulevard of Dreams

Friday, May 08, 2009
It sure beats ordering off the menu. Everytime.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Healthy dose of Java at Starbucks on Howard Avenue

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Come aboard for our sunset cruise of Tampa's harbor

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Lighting the way for my true love

Monday, May 04, 2009
It's a mailbox silly. What did you think it was?

Sunday, May 03, 2009
It's a tough life but someone has to live it.

arts center lofts,
hillsborough river,
urban living
Saturday, May 02, 2009
King Kong at your evolutionary service.

Friday, May 01, 2009
Shadow of himself: Behind Dorothy or the Pirate

Ybor City is an eclectic place with many sides to its personality. Designated a National Historic District, it is renowned for its architecture, heritage and rich cultural diversity. In the late 19th century the stores, restaurants, homes and factories were filled with immigrants including Cubans, Italians, Spaniards and Germans. They are justly proud today of their city and its history. They were the economic engine that drove the world's cigar manufacturing industry. The finest tobacco was handrolled and machine-made into cigars by the tens of millions. Today's Ybor City continues to celebrate its cigar heritage, its Latin traditions, delicious food, and colorful mix of retail, restaurants and residences.
This corner market attracts tourists, locals and students...even an occasional shadowy character, stopped in mid-stride, indecisive, undecided. Captured in a fleeting digital frame. But its shoes seem rooted. Does it pose with Dorothy and the rainbow? Or go for the pirate's treasure? I just love the options in Ybor.
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