Don Quixote embraces the eBook
The great Don Quixote sits astride his charger, Rocinante, and has obviously stopped reading from those tasteless books printed on paper and bound in leather. Note that he appears to have switched to the eBook reader, Kindle, or such. No man should be seen living in the past, so he proudly, emphatically embraces the newest technology; the better to explore and discover the vast reaches of the world around him without lugging books...or weighing down his magnificent steed, or even life itself. Heavens no. Quixote is clearly shown here comparing the heavy tome under one arm with the devilish splendor of the much smaller, and smarter electronic device. What his trusted squire, Sancho Panza, may think we cannot tell from the statue. (Although I am smoking a Honduran Sancho Panza cigar as I type this.)
This life-size statue of Quixote stands in the center of the lobby of the SunTrust Financial Centre building in Tampa's downtown. (It is the towering skyscraper with the ziggurat roof design and color display at night.) The statue really must be seen closeup to appreciate its detail and exquisite workmanship. It is just inside the lobby but it is too bad it's not in a more public location so more people can see it closeup.) The artist, sadly, is unknown to me at this time and that's a shame.)
What an amazing, unusual sculpture! Ride 'em "cowboy!" Giddy up! Regards from EAGAN daily photo
Next he'll be wearing an iPod. Sheesh! Beautiful detail on this statue Frank.
What an unusual sculpture! I like all the color.
An amazing sculpture in every way. Is he really holding a Kindle in that other hand?
The colors are stunning.
It sure is colorful.
This is the best representation of "Don Quijote" actually a lot of people don't know anything about him and his stories, all of you should read it because it's one of the most perfect books I've read in the story because the main character is completely crazy.
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