Train Horns that BLOW!
Read the copy on this colorful, graphics-covered pickup and then really let the "product" it's advertising sink in for a moment. Got it?? It is a horn that when installed in your car or truck sounds like a TRAIN!! "Train Horns For Your Ride." A TRAIN! As I quickly grabbed this shot at a traffic light, I hoped that the driver wouldn't "train" his horn on ME, just innocently idling behind him. I do remember when installing a Ford Model T horn was a favorite years ago, but the thought of a locomotive creeping up behind you and letting its full air horns go, would give some people a heart attack. The website states, "Don't Blow Your Temper, Blow Your Horn." There are a number of amateur videos on line touting the fun of using the horn out on the streets. In the name of research I watched and listened to a few of them. The horn does scare people to almost to death. It sounds like a train passing in front of you at a railroad crossing, blowing its horn, while you sit and wait. There, you are expecting the horn to blow.
Does it really sound like a train horn? Yes! Can you imagine that blasting you as you hesitate at a stop light or slow to avoid hitting an animal in the road? Poor smushed roadkill.
Would probably be illegal to use, at least where I live!
I'm well familiar with this product. There's a guy that drives by where I work on a regular basis that has one. Evidently he knows someone that works across the street from where I do, so every couple of days he feels the need to honk his horn. It's enough to make you need to change your pants!
I've experienced those damn things! Enough to send one flying into the car in front! Yikes!
Are those things legal? With road rage so prevalent, I would be afraid to use it.
I can't believe that it's not illegal! It certainly seems like it would cause more than a few road rage incidents. The vanity tag is funny!
Yikes is right.
@ Steffe: I would think it would be illegal everywhere. They don't allow emergency vehicle sirens so why is the sound of an actual train OK? I don't get it.
@ Lois: I spotted the tag last and smiled,too.
I wish I could hear that kind of horn blowing. However, it is illegal in this part of the world.
train horn on car Fitting a kit into your car may have other advantages besides making it look cool. This includes the fact that its loud sound will help to keep other drivers alert on the road, that is if doesn't scare them to pieces first
Earlier, train horn were not allowed to be used in cars. They were only used in big vehicles like trucks and trains.
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