Far, Far from Home: Carts Abandoned and Afraid
What is it with shopping carts? They have a good life, are well cared for, are cleaned and safely stored away each night. But, even with all the amenities a cart could dream of, a good life, they take off with the first thieving, selfish person who comes along. And in this case, the one cart took another and they're now alone and forgotten, standing wheels up beside the brand new Interstate 275 cutting through Tampa. By my estimate, there isn't a home for these carts within miles. Their story must be a sad one and if I return to this same spot in a few months, they probably will not have been moved. (Is there an organization that cares for and shelters the world's stolen and discarded shopping carts? Does anyone ever prosecute the humans who take them?)
Perhaps you could start a new organization for abandoned carts - Cart-a-Home. Ask people to bring you abandoned carts for which you will pay $5. Then you sell them back to the stores for $10.
Hmmm. That might be illegal. Fugeddaboutit!
I hate seeing this because it means the store has to pass the cost on to us and the prices are high enough as it is!
Thanks for your concerns about the dust storm Frank. It has cleared up but we are dealing with the consequences now. I have a couple of dust storm photos on my blog today.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
this is an interesting photo and such emotion for a cart. I would love to see your photo of the Dam. i am glad you liked the slot canyon photos on my site.
Perhaps these are a couple running away to elope. Nothing can stop true love.
How the heck did Frank send us down this path??
You know, I always wondered how they mated. Now I know.
Looks like true love to me.
The Blue Ridge Gal
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