I will admit that when I read that a Anime convention would be held for three days in Tampa, I had not the slightest knowledge of what that was or meant. It caught my attention only because it mentioned that attendees (?) would come to the METROCON Anime Convention, "Florida's largest," in full costume. Like a lot of you, I enjoy the research side of the Internet, visit Google often, and learn about new things everyday. Admittedly, there is a lot I don't know. The term Anime was a word I couldn't pronounce or define. An entire subject as it turned out that I knew nothing about. Because our convention center is minutes from my home, and I did need photos for today's posts, I grabbed my camera and gave myself 30 minutes to explore and shoot a few pictures if the convention-goers proved to be decent subjects. Well, I was gone all of thirty minutes. Door-to-door. I shot approximately 100 frames. 90 are outstanding if you're after subject, action, color, costume and fantasy. I captured it all. If it's a "What's happening in Tampa Today" kind of project, well folks, here it is. This is really what has invaded our downtown. Young people are all over the street corners, entryway and lobby of the convention center in indescribable paraphernalia, costume, gear, weapons, hoods, ray guns...the list could go on for pages just trying to provide the barest and simplest explanation and description of what I found at the Anime convention.
Because I really didn't know anything about this phenomena, here is a little peek at what's behind the cast of characters that are displayed: "The characters from other dimensions come together to the same place to meet....The Gear, the symbol of Metrocon, is put in place as a filter on reality so that ultimate evil cannot come through." Go ahead, I dare you to read that again and then, please, explain it to me. Please. As I learned, Metrocon, created by the founders of AnimeMetro.com, is an online community of over "5,000 members."
If you've read this far, here is what the "otaku," a Japanese word for the two girls in my photo, are all about. Anime is an abbreviation for the Japanese pronunciation of animation. It refers to animation that originated in Japan and is extremely popular there and in many parts of the world. It began during the early part of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers began to experiment with techniques of animators in the US and Europe. It has taken off and exploded. It may be hard to understand but it is, apparently, huge with a certain segment of our population.
OK, is that clear. Now, do you know why these two young and attractive Tampa girls are dressed this way? There may be someone out there who understands and recognizes the costumes they are wearing. Don't hesitate to let me know. I am dying with curiosity to hear the whole story. I've got to take a break now, catch my breathe and stop my heart from racing - That was a tough 30-minute self-assignment.
Okay, I've changed my mind. I am now a fan. Where is this being held? I'm on my way.
Lovely and luscious!
Anime convention welcome in the UK anytime, especially if these two are coming.
Great post.
I can imagine how hard it was to confront the invaders face to face!Look this picture! But you are sooo brave!
Have a nice weekend and be always happy!
Léia and
Luna(from Brazil)
Wow. I think I understand the "over the top" comment on your other blog. Interesting. And a great photo and post!
Lovely "OTAKU" girls!!
When I saw your photo on the thumbnail, I just had to click to check it out. Why? What caught my eye? It was the blue hair. Yes, that was it.
Pretty wild Frank. Did they talk you into putting on one of the costumes and joining?? Colorful shot.
"A tough assignment" Yeah, right, Frank! Dave too! :D
Anime is very popular here in Manila, has been for many years. Games, film, books, conventions, cosplay – you name it. But I don't think the kids go in costumes quite this revealing. If they did, my husband would insist on going, I'm sure.
This sure is a treat. Very colorful photo...You seem to have enjoyed the experience as would I:-)
Well if all cartoon characters looked like that, I wouldn't mind. Bet you have to have a certain confidence and great body to pass off this look & thankfully they have. Did you get their details by any chance?
I don't know who these characters are, but I do know about Anime since my five year old grandson is a fan of Bakugan. Nice shot!
I really don't think you stressed your disgust quite clearly. OMG man! They are GIRLS who are almost NAKED!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! This anime thingy should be banned worldwide!
But im just joking. Anime is really great, coz you can't expect a movie being shot (and come out just as awesome) of lets say, bleach, or Dragonball Z. It just gives the masses MASSES of well-executed and presented stories.
Those girls are great. Btw the amount of bare skin is compensated by that big sword - don't come close or she'll cut you up :D
More half naked females.... take out the part where they act like complete weirdos and you got a catch
Whats weird about their behavior? :D
Wowza. Somebody should do Swat Kats next.
wow really? you all judge before you know... its called Cosplay look it up... to dumb it down its the same as if you dressed up to go support your favorite football team at home or the field!except we don't push over cars... its for fun. those two girls would be admire not because of the skin they show but because of the outfits. most cosplayer's make their outfits from scratch!
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